Foster Care

Foster care provides children with a temporary safe and nurturing home. At Arbor Circle, our goal is to reunite children in foster care with their biological parents. Foster parents work in partnership with birth family members and child welfare professionals to provide support for the child during their time in care.

To learn more about becoming a foster parent, please complete the interest form below. You can also support our foster care services by making a gift to Arbor Circle.

average number of michigan children in foster care due to abuse or neglect

average number of months children spend in foster care

You are welcomed, you are needed

Arbor Circle’s greatest needs are foster families open to sibling groups and older children or teens, along with racially diverse foster parents who demographically represent the children we serve. We accept, affirm, and celebrate foster families of all backgrounds and identities. Arbor Circle partners with foster families at every step of the way, supporting the needs of both the children and caregivers.

Foster parents are 24-hour caregivers. They provide food, shelter, clothing, and emotional support for the child. They are required to give the child the opportunity for recreation and social interaction. They provide transportation for education, medical appointments, and extracurricular activities. Foster parents also attend ongoing training classes and participate in monthly visits with caseworkers.

Foster parents are encouraged to have regular communication with the children’s biological parents. They are also invited to participate with Family Team Meetings, which include biological parents and their support systems.

In the event that foster children are unable to return home or be placed with biological relatives, foster parents may be considered as adoptive parents if they choose.

All types of families can become licensed foster parents, including adults who are single, married, or living with a partner. Arbor Circle accepts, affirms, and celebrates our LGBTQ+ foster and adoptive families and actively seeks racially diverse foster families who demographically represent the children we serve.

Foster parents should have an adequate income to meet their family’s needs to be financially stable, and can rent or own their home. Children are able to share bedrooms based on the needs of all children in the home.

Certain felony convictions may potentially disqualify you from becoming a foster parent, but you are encouraged to discuss details directly with a licensing worker to determine if you are eligible.

Children in foster care range from newborns to age 18. They come from many racial, religious, and socio-economic backgrounds. Many children in foster care are part of a sibling group, older children or teens, and children of color.

Some children have never had a stable home, and some may have emotional, behavioral, and medical problems. All children in foster care have experienced trauma, including the trauma of being separated from their family.

Each foster family works with a licensing staff to identify the ages and backgrounds of children who would be best served in their home.

Foster parents work with a foster care worker assigned to the child who is responsible for providing support to each family. Supportive services including respite care, training, and crisis lines are available as well.

Foster parents receive reimbursement every month to provide food, clothing, and other things their foster children need. The amount depends on the needs of the children. Foster parents also receive a clothing allowance for foster children twice a year.

Every child in foster care has medical and dental insurance available to them through the state.

Other ways to support foster Families

Foster parenting is not for everyone. If you have a heart for children in care but are unable to be a foster parent at this time, there are still ways you can help.

ready to get involved?

To learn more about becoming a foster parent, please complete the interest form below. You can also support our foster care services by making a donation to Arbor Circle.

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