Therapeutic Groups

Arbor Circle offers a variety of therapeutic groups that focus on substance use recovery topics. These sessions provide a supportive environment where participants can share their experiences, learn from one another, and develop the skills needed to overcome challenges and improve their overall wellbeing.

Addressing Substance Use through Therapeutic Groups

Understanding the diverse needs of our community, Arbor Circle provides a wide range of therapeutic group options, each designed to address specific substance use concerns. Our goal is to empower participants with the tools, resources, and support necessary to foster healing and growth. Availability of groups varies.


  • Health Professionals Recovery Program (HPRP): Supports health professionals in their recovery process, ensuring they can safely return to practice and protect the safety of the general public
  • Pathways: Helps participants differentiate between problem and social use of alcohol and other drugs, and develop harm reduction plans to minimize related issues
  • Recovery Skills: Addresses key areas for long-term recovery, serving as a helpful transition for those who have recently completed an Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP)
  • Relapse Prevention: Assists individuals in recovery to identify and implement effective recovery plans, manage cravings/triggers, and decrease vulnerability to relapse
  • Seeking Safety: Offers practical tools and techniques to learn safe coping skills applicable to both PTSD and substance use disorders, while promoting respect, care, protection, and healing

Contact Us

To learn more about the services available in your area, fill out the form below or call us at 616-456-6571.

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